Treated and Terminated: Sulphuric Acid Attack

Tomme: LIII (LVII) Fascicle: 3-4 | 2007
Pages: 65-70
Abstract text:
Mineral coatings protect waste-water treatment plants from the destruction of biogenous sulphuric acid corrosion ”The stench is unbearable!”. As residential areas are built up and populated more and more densely, local waste-water treatment plants often give rise to bitter, yet totally justified complaints by local residents. Many communities have obviously opted to solve an urgent problem quickly, only to find themselves in more trouble with high amounts of follow-up costs: foul-smelling clarifiers are frequently simply capped or enclosed. However, this supposedly safe measure creates new dangers, if there is no additional concrete protection as well. What kind of chemical processes can develop in these enclosed environments and how can damage to the concrete structure be avoided?
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