Overview of Romania’s Seismicity Focusing on the North-Eastern Region

Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 1 | 2014
Pages: 43-52
Abstract text:
This paper presents the particularities of Romania’s seismicity, with emphasis especially on the North-Eastern part of the country. Firstly, an introduction into the Romania’s seismicity is made. Then, the recurrence interval relations with values specific for Vrancea region are presented, together with a seismic hazard analysis for Iaşi region. In this respect, information regarding the seismic scenarios for Iaşi region based, on the deterministic approach and on the probabilistic one, is presented. Also, an overview on the seismic vulnerability evaluation is presented. Considering that the hazard maps are based on MMI values, while the seismic codes – on PGA values, a correlation between these two was computed for Iaşi region.
Key Words:
earthquake; seismogenic zone; recurrence interval; fragility curves; Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale; Peak Ground Acceleration; seismic hazard.

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