Correlations Between in situ DCP Test and Laboratory Test Results

Tomme: LX (LXIV) Fascicle: 4 | 2014
Pages: 27-38
Abstract text:
Geotechnical engineers are interested in investigating the actual behavior of the soil. Currently there are several methods available for assessing the properties of the soil. The variability of the geotechnical parameters resulting from these methods is neglected assuming that the mass of the soil is homogeneous and the variation of these parameters at various is rareli considered. Heterogeneity is a characteristic of the soil because their parameters vary from one point to another. To get an accurate characterization of the soil wich take into account their heterogeneity, it would require a large number of field and laboratory tests, unfeasible given the costs necessary. To reduce costs and to increase the number of the samples analyzed, it have been developed several types of in situ testing for determining geotechnical parameters (Phoon & Kulhawy, 1999; Chenari & Dodaran, 2010). This paper aims at obtaining correlation between the number of blows N30DCP and the results obtained in the laboratory on undisturbed samples. The goal is to obtain for a large site relationships correlations between different parameters, in order to reduce the number of boreholes and laboratory tests. To obtain the values of correlation coefficient r ≥ 0.80 it was intended to achieve correlation at fixed depth, where undisturbed samples were taken which were then subjected to laboratory tests. Correlations were obtained between N30DCP and bulk density (γ), the angle of internal friction (φ) and cohesion (c).
Key Words:
DPSH-B; mathematical regression; correlation; standard deviation, probabilistic variability.

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