Comparative Analysis of Hvac System Functionality in "Vasile Alecsandri" National Theatre of Jassy

Tomme: LXI (LXV) Fascicle: 2 | 2015
Pages: 43-52
Abstract text:
The present work investigates the behaviour of the implemented HVAC system at “Vasile Alecsandri” National Theatre of Jassy, for different external conditions. A 2D model of the building was realized by using ANSYS-Fluent software, simulating the functionality of the HVAC system for winter and summer season. For the studied scenarios, the external conditions of Jassy and the indoor conditions of the theatre, when the entire spectacle hall is occupied were considered. The main aspects evaluated for each case were the air temperature, air velocity and relative humidity. The results are presented comparatively as plots and spectra of the interest parameters. It was established that the HVAC system is providing adequate conditions for both studied seasons.
Key Words:
comfort; indoor climate; HVAC system; numerical simulation.

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