Evaluation of the Specific Procedures for the Determination of Deformability Characteristics of the Soils in Laboratory

Tomme: 63 (67) Fascicle: 2 | 2017
Pages: 69-80
Abstract text:
The present article constitutes an evaluation of the methods of implementing the current procedures with regard to the highlight of the means of obtaining and testing of samples in order to determine the deformability characteristics of soil, considered in the design calculation as a linear deformable, homogeneous, isotropic material, with a structure and texture defined by the three-phase assembly system. The main purpose of this study is therefore to make a first evaluation of the general conditions of the implementation of actual procedures regarding the determination of the deformability characteristics (compression, consolidation, settlement) of soils. As such there are highlighted a series of discrepancies between the real behaviour of soil and the results obtained through the laboratory tests. The cause and effect are mainly due to some possible errors that may occure as a result of the ongoing intervention on soil during the research, as well as to the existing differences between the in situ and laboratory conditions.
Key Words:
soil structure; soil sampling efforts; laboratory testing; soil deformability

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