Theoretical and Experimental Studies Regarding Steel–Concrete Composite Joints
Tomme: LVI (LX) Fascicle: 4 | 2010
Pages: 55-66
Abstract text:
Theoretical approaches supplemented with an experimental testing program were developed at the „Politehnica” University of Timişoara for a specific steel–concrete composite joint, used into a multi-storey skeletal structure. Starting with the joint type used, two series of joints were tested. Two loading hypotheses of the joint were considered: symmetrical and asymmetrical. For the structures placed in seismic areas the energy dissipation during earthquake is important. The dissipation of energy consists in appearance of plastic hinges located in to the beams. For this study the pursued aim was to obtain the collapse mechanism in the joint panel rather than outside the joint, in order to compare the bending resistant moment of steel joint with the bending resistant moment of composite joint. Using the previsions of EC4 [1], in the theoretical phase the joints were analysed together with their connections – the beams and the columns in order to establish the dimensions of the joint components, thus satisfying the desired collapse mechanism. Also a numerical study was performed in the elastic and post elastic range. Finally the experimental work was performed using special testing equipment and the international recommended testing procedures. This paper presents some aspects regarding the behaviour of steel and steel joints tested.
Key Words:
composite joints; numerical analysis; experimental tests.
Author(s) Information
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